
Showing posts from September, 2021

How do I take CBD tincture?

  Does CBD Have Side Effects? CBD is generally well-tolerated by most of the population. But like any medicine or supplement, some individuals may experience side effects like fatigue, dry mouth, inappetence, and nausea. Those pregnant or nursing are also advised not to take CBD.   And with vapes specifically, it's crucial to purchase from a legitimate brand since there have been cases of people hospitalized from black-market vapes. If CBD vapes give you dizziness, chest pain, or shortness of breath, stop using them.   But even with high-quality vapes, it's important to be aware of some of the main ingredients since some of them are allergens.   For instance, propylene glycol, or PG, is a commonplace ingredient found in many foods and drugs, and it's used as a carrier liquid in vapes, but some individuals are allergic to it.   Luckily, there are PG-free options, which are completely made of vegetable glycerin (VG) instead.   Also, make sure that the heating element is made